Director of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs,  Ĺ˝arko Laketa and Chief of the SFA's Cabinete, Goran Blagojević received a visit today from the First Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Wassim A.M. Farraj, and President of Association of Palestinian community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Majed Maarouf.

Given that this is the first visit of Mr. Wassim to the Service for Foreigners' Affairs, at the meeting the competences, organization and activities of the SFA  which characterized the previous period were presented.

It was discussed the migrant situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina , thus Director Laketa emphasized that there is a very small number of migrants in BiH declared themselves to be citizens of the State of Palestine.

Regarding the issues of the citizens of the State of Palestine and solving  their status in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Service for Foreigners' Affairs make sure that the procedure is carried out within the legal deadline, and is ready to provide any kind of assistence.

At the end of meeting, the good cooperation so far between the Embassy of the State of Palestine and the Service for Foreigners' Affairs was highlighted, and mutual willigness to continue even better and more successful cooperation was expressed. 

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