The Service for Foreigners’ Affairs and the Border Police of BiH continue joint activities in order to combat illegal migration

In order to combat illegal migration, joint planning activities of members of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of BiH  and the Border Police of BiH continued, in accordance with the signed Framework Plan for joint action and cooperation between the two agencies.

In accordance with the above, joint planning activities were carried out in the previous two days at International Airport Sarajevo, at the entrance to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where 88 citizens of the Republic of Turkey were discovered who did not possess documents and did not provide enough relevant information about the purpose and conditions of their intended stay in BiH. They were refused entry to BiH and were returned to their starting point. One person was refused entry due to a forged document of the People's Republic of China, while four foreigners arrived on a flight from Istanbul without documents and during border checks expressed their intention to seek asylum. They were handed over to the jurisdiction of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs - Field Office Sarajevo.

We remind you that the signing of the mentioned Plan was preceded by a joint assessment of the situation in the mentioned area, as well as an assessment of personnel, organizational and other capacities available to the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of BiH and the Border Police of BiH. The mentioned agencies face a lack of the required number of officers, and it was concluded that cooperation should be improved through planned, organized and joint undertaking of activities with the aim of suppressing the illegal entry and stay of foreigners in BiH, and their attempted illegal exit towards the countries of the European Union.

For the purpose of the signed Plan, officers of the two agencies, based on analyses and assessments of migration trends, work together at the places of the most frequent illegal entry of foreigners into BiH, and check the purpose of arrival and the legality of the entry of foreigners through border crossing points into BiH. They jointly perform the surveillance of the state border as well as joint action in the implementation of the readmission of foreigners from BiH in abbreviated procedure. Thus, in the previous period, during July and August 2023, members of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs of BiH and the Border Police of BiH achieved significant results in the mentioned areas during joint planning activities at International Airport Sarajevo, in the area of ​​Zvornik and Velika Kladuša. In the coming period, joint activities will continue in accordance with the signed Framework Plan for joint action and cooperation.

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