Director of the Service for Foreignersā Affairs, Mr. Žarko Laketa, together with his colleagues was on the study visit to the Netherlands.
The visit was realized as part of the WBRM project- Support to the Western Balkans for the targeted operationalization of the return of third-country nationals (Western Balkan Return Mechanism), with the support of the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).
The aim of the visit was to strengthen cooperation, and exchange knowledge on the return and readmission of third-country nationals. This initiative contributes to more effective migration management, and the development of sustainable solutions for the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin.
During the visit, the delegation visited key institutions involved in return and readmission processes in the Netherlands, including the Service for Repatriation and Return (DT&V) and the Royal Gendarmerie (Koninklijke Marechaussee).The visit to these institutions provided an insight into the best practices and models of cooperation between the competent services in return management.
The exchange of experiences with Dutch institutions contributes to the strengthening of capacity and efficiency in migration management, which represents an important step towards strengthening mutual cooperation, and the implementation of sustainable solutions for migration challenges in the Western Balkans.