Liaison officer of the MoI of Austria in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Karlheinz Gortano , whose mandate expires at the end of year, and his successor , Mr. Manfred Jurčević, visited the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs. The visit was carried out as part of the handover of duties and further strengthening of cooperation between institutions. During the meeting, they spoke with the Director of Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, Žarko Laketa. Director Laketa introduced Mr. Jurčević to the key competences and activities of the SFA, highlighting importance of cooperation between these two institutions.
Also, Director Laketa thanked to Mr. Gortano for the past contribution and cooperation in strengthening the relations between the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria. At the same time, he welcomed the Mr. Jurčevic, expressing his belief that the successful cooperation will continue in the future to the mutual satisfaction.