The citizen of Macedonia is threat to the national security of B&H

The Service for Foreigners Affairs has cancelled today the permanent stay in B&H to R.M. the citizen of Republic of Macedonia while conduting the enhanced operative activities of control of movement and stay of foreigners in B&H, in order to protect the security system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The measure of expulsion has been sentenced to the concerned person with cancellation of permanent stay with the ban of entry and stay at the territory of B&H in period of four years, upon this the concerned person has been placed under surrveilalnce at the Immigration Center of Service for Foreigners Affairs.

The mentioned person presents the threat to the public order and national security in B&H, and he is associated with organised crime.

Service for Foreigners Affairs undertakes necessary measures, and actions in order to remove the person R.M.  from territory of B&H.

Service shall proceed conducting enhanced measures of control of movement and stay of foreigners in B&H, and shall provide full contribution to the B&H security by its operative activities.

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