Extensive operation ‘Real estate’ completed

The Service for Foreigners' Affairs has conducted at the wider region of Bosnia and Herzegovina an operation with code name ' Real estate', whereby the control of legal entities has been executed whose founders  or responsible persons are foreign citizens from countries such as Kuwait, U.A.E, Qatar, Syria, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Ukraine, and they possess the real estate in BiH.

Reason for the implementation of operation are operative information on existence of legal entities in property of foreign citizens who are fictitiously registered in BiH, only with an intension of acquisition of ownership of real estates, then purchuse of real estate for further renting to the foreign tourists, avoiding legal obligations in regard to record keeping of foreign guests and registration of foreigners, then the residence of such  foreigners in BiH,  contrary to the legal provisions which has negative implications for safety and economic system in BiH.

This control included 691 legal entities whose owners or founders are citizens of Kuwait, Lybia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Russia and Ukraine, thus 16 tourists setllements in property of legal entities whose founders are foreign citizens.

It was found that 192 legal entities exist, and operate at the registered addresses, wherein foreign citizens has regulated temporary residence.

In total 499 legal entities were not found or could not be established whether they exist at the registered addresses. Considering that there are no highlighted names of legal entities, or adequate premises, or they are registered at the non-existed addresses, abandoned facilities, private houses and flats with no possibility of approach, and their owners and authorized persons reside outside of BiH, it is evident that they do not operate at the registered addresses of companies. There are more than 600 housing and bussiness facilities in property of controled legal entities, and they have 1768 of land cadastral certificates on company's name.

By checkings of residence status of foreign citizens at the checked legal entities , it has been established that  158 of foreign citizens , founders or co-founders resided in BiH based on visa or visa-free regime, without regulating residence status in BiH, 113 of foreign citizens, founders or co-founders in controlled legal entities are not registrered that they at all entered in BiH, 6 foreign citizens , founders or co-founders in controlled legal entities has violated the immigration regulations regard to the period of stay out of BiH during the approved residence, while 58 legal entities who do not exist at the registered addresses , it has been established that foreigners exercised their right to the temporary residence in BiH upon the issued work permit, and this is the abuse of it.

For the all foreign citizens who violated migration regulations in BiH, the measures shall be undertaken  stipulated by the law, measure of cancellation of visa-free or temporary residence, or measures of expulsion.

During the performed chekings, Service had reached  certain data by the competencies of other institutions.It is indicative that the founding stake of legal entities who has been the subject of checkings usually is BAM 2000, and with established facts by the inspectors for foreigners , the companies are owners of real estate in value of more than hundred thousands convertible marks. So, it is vaguely in which way these real estate has been gained of such a value, and in which way the money transanctions has been performed. Also, there are indications on certain abuses of notary contracts on real property between foreign citizens, as a real owners and the BiH citizens who are buying real estate on behalf of foreign citizens , and wherewith the BiH as a state is damaged due to the fee collection, taxes and other duties.

Considering that during the preparation for planning these activities has been established the way of cooperation with the taxation authority and State Agency for Protection and Investigation. The service shall disseminate at the relevant taxation and police authorities all established facts and irregularities in order to undertake measures and actions by their competencies.

Service for Foreigners Affairs especially emphasizes that in BiH exists a significant number of controlled legal entities who operate pursuant to the law, and they employ considerable number of the BiH citizens. Service shall continue to provide its contribution and support in work to the legal entities, significant investors in BiH, through efficient solving of residence status of foreign citizens, and other issues by its competencies.

The Service for Foreigners Affairs shall proceed continuously to undertake activities in regard to the control of legal entities whose founders are foreigners, and shall undertake stipulated measures by its competencies, and collected information on noncompliance with regulations by the competencies of other agencies, and if need arises jointly to undertake certain activities.


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