Attache for Security of United States Embassy in BiH, Matthew L. Golbus visited today the Service for Foreigners Affairs, and had a meeting with Director Slobodan Ujić.

On that ocassion Mr. Golbus was informed about the work of Service for Foreigners Affairs, its jurisdiction and Competencies. Director Ujić gave a special emphasis to the current situation regarding to the issue of migration in BiH due to the significant increase of illegal migrant number. It is highlighted that in the first eight months in year 2017 the number of illegal migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina increased for 320% in relation to the same period of last year. On other hand, it is considerable the increase of entry and stay of foreigners from countries of non-visa regime and visa regime, as a result of heightened interest of foreigners in visit and stay in BiH.

Director Ujić particularly highlighted good cooperation of the Service with the authorities of United States of America, and pointed out the successful actions conducted by Service in cooperation with the American Security Agencies.

Golbus said that the Embassy of United States of America is at disposal to Service for Foreigners' Affairs for each form of assistence and support, in order to counteract more efficient to all safety challenges of today. Director Ujić thanked to the USA Government for the contribution in development of Service and voiced confidence that succesfful cooperation shall continue.

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