Service for Foreigners Affairs placed under surveillance in the last three days 40 foreign citizens in the Immigration Center who has violated the immigration regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The decision on expulsion has been enacted to the illegal migrants, thus they shall be deported into countries from which they came into BiH, on basis of agreement on readmission or into their coutries of origin.

This is about  migrants from countries of high migration risk who in individual cases or smaller groups,  tend to use the BiH territory as a transit zone on the way toward EU countries.They are nationals of Algeria, Lybia, Pakistan, Morocco, namely the nationals of Turkey and Albania who are abusing the visa free regime with BiH, with the tendency that upon of illegal entry in BiH  proceed ilegally their trip toward countries of Western Europe.

Illegal migrants have been found on the territory of competency by field offices Trebinje, Doboj, Ljubuơki and Bihać.

The Service undertakes all necessary measures and actions in order to remove them from territory of BiH, and to send them back to their countries of origin or to countries from which they had entered illegally the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina pursuant to the agreement on readmission.

It has been detected in total 605  illegal migrants in the first nine months of 2017 who has been placed under surveillance or returned directly to the country from which they entered the BiH, upon the conducted proceedings by the Service for Foreigners Affairs. For the same period last year, 173 persons has been placed under surveillance which presents increase of illegal migrants number of 350%.

They are nationals from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Albania, citizens of Kosovo and others.

The number of nationals from Turkey, Albania and citizens from Kosovo is increased, and they were returned on the basis of readmission agreement from Republic of Croatia and it has been established that they illegally crossed from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia. In cooperation with the BiH Border Police, competent authorities of the Republic Croatia, and efficient implementation of readmission agreement, their efforts in reaching countries of Western Europe are prevented.

Service for Foreigners Affairs had returned directly 302 illegal migrants into their countries of origin in the first three quarters of 2017,and the funds were provided on basis of project  'Prevention of illegal migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and region, and voluntary return of illegal migrants', funded by the Government of Switzerland.

Although , BiH is not exposed to massive influx, the large number of migrants reside in the countries of region who are stopped on the Balkan route tending to find alternative routes of movement toward EU countries which includes transit over teritorry of BiH.

Service for Foreigners Affairs controls migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina with assistence of other law enforcement agencies and successfully deals with all challenges of increased influx of illegal migrants in  Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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