Newly-appointed Director of ICITAP paid visit to SPS

Newly-appointed Director of ICITAP in BiH (International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program of the U.S. Department of Justice) Laddie Hancock paid visit to the Service for Foreigners' Affairs, and on this ocassion met with the Management of SPS, Director Slobodan Ujić and his Deputy Mirsad Buzar. They discussed on current situation regarding the issue of migration in BiH, implementation of project Biometrics, as well about other joint projects and continuation of successful cooperation between these two institutions.

Director of SPS represented the current situation to Hanock in regard with increased influx of migrants in BiH and voiced concern about danger of migrant crisis phenomenon in BiH, because since January up now days has been processed more than 2000 migrants which is more than double of total number in 2017. He added that also accommodation capacities due to the great influx of migrants are at upper limit of occupancy, and that SPS together with other competent institutions manage migration in BiH, despite difficult circumstances.

Hancock emphasized that ICITAP is available to SPS for any form of assistance and support in order to confront effectively to the all challenges of new migrant wave.

Direktor Ujić particularly highlighted previous cooperation of SPS with ICITAP, which was from very beginning one of the main partners in provision of support to the work of SPS, and enhancing its material-techical and staff capacities which had for a result efficient prevention and suppression of illegal migration in BiH.

It has been discussed also about implementation of Biometrics in SPS funded by ICITAP. In this context has been discussed about need for additional equipment which is essential for SPS in conditions of increased influx of migrants.

Director Ujić thanked to ICITAP and U.S. Government for the contribution in development of SPS, and voiced confidence that continued successful copperation shall be continued.

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