The Ambassador of People’s Republic of China Chen Bo with associates paid visit today to SPS and on this occassion spoke with Director Slobodan Ujić about signed Agreement on mutual visa waiver between People's Republic of China, and Bosnia and Herzegovina for the holder of regular passports and as well problems of increased influx of migrants in BiH.
Ms. Chen Bo thanked to the Director on efforts made which led to the signature of the Agreement on mutual visa waiver which shall provide greater cooperation of these two countries in all fileds, and particularly in field of tourism. 30.000 of tourists from China visited last year Bosnia and Herzegovina, and around 70.000 tourists, the citizens of China are expected in year 2018.
Ambassador emphasized that Agreement should be used for increase of economic cooperation and exchange. Agreement is signed on 27 November 2017 in Budapest, and shall enter into force on 29 May 2018. This Agreement envisaged that the citizens of signature countries may enter and remain on the territory of other country up to 90 days in any period of 180 days.
Also, Director informed Ms. Chen Bo on current situation of increased influx of migrants in BiH, and highlighted that just from January until present day, over 4500 migrants has been the subject of Service’s work, and that this number is increasing day by day.