Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, with assistance of Ministry of Interior Affairs of Una- Sana Canton, and in coordination with international organization IOM and UNHCR, has continued by implementation of certain activities aimed at transport and accommodation of migrants from the region of Bihać and Velika Kladuša.
The aforesaid activities relate to transport of over 100 migrants, families with children who stay at the temporary camps at the region of Bihać and Velika Kladuša, then their accommodation at the facility of hotel ‘Sedra’ near by Cazin. There will be in total 14 families from Velika Kladuša, and 10 families from Bihać. The adequate accommodation shall be provided for them, needed health care, and other necessary conditions for human stay until solving their status in BiH, upon submitted request for international protection - asylum.
Over 9200 migrants has been the subject of work by the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs from the beginning of this year up today. SFA is conducting the registration of migrants, taking their biometric data, and identifying the vulnerable categories especially taking care on protection of their human rights.