The continuation of joint activities of SFA and Ministry of Interior of Una-Sana Canton

In regard with continuation of implementation of joint activities, the joint meeting took place on 17 July 2018 at the premises of Ministry of Interior  of Una –Sana Canton between officials of Sector of uniformed police of Ministry of Interior of Una-Sana Canton with officials of Service for Foreigners’ Affairs, and on this occasion has been agreed on implementation of appropriate joint operative activities at the territory of town Bihać with aim of finding illegal migrants prone to commit felonies, and breaching public peace and order.

In relation thereto the officials of police of Ministry of Interior Una-Sana Canton, and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs in joint and coordinated action on the territory of town Bihać found 6 illegal migrants on 17 July 2018 who are citizens of Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Russia. They committed in the previous period felonies such as robberies, grand larcenies and attacks on officials while conducting official activities, and due to this they were processed because jeopardizing security of citizens at this region. After locating this group of illegal migrants, the inspectors for aliens at the premises of Field Office Bihać conducted appropriate measures and activities, and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs sentenced measures of extraditions. The aforesaid persons are placed under surveillance at the Immigration Center in Istočno Sarajevo in order to execute their removal from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As part of these activities, the representatives of IOM and Service for Foreigners’ Affairs with presence of police officials of Ministry of Interior Una- Sana Canton, and interpreters presented to migrants who were accommodated at the unfinished facility of Home for retired persons the need of moving out from this facility, due to the fact that this facility does not meet even minimum conditions for accommodation of such category of migrants. Upon this, 250 migrants left voluntarily the facility of Home for retired persons, and passed at the Boarding school where the competent institutions provided the food, and other minimum conditions necessary for their stay at this region.

Service for Foreigners’ Affairs shall conduct activities jointly with officials of Ministry of Interior of Una- Sana Canton in future period as well, in order to solve more efficient this issues and providing contribution to the safety of citizens.

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