Service for Foreigners' Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina recalls all legal entities and natural persons offering accommodation services to the foreigners in BiH that according to the provisions of the BiH Law on Aliens are obliged to conduct the registration of foreigners' stay at the Service for Foreigners' Affairs. The law stipulates as well santions for the failure of this obligation for the providers of accommodation services, and as well for the foreigners who stayed in BiH.
We note that their legal obligation thanked to the newly established online system'E-stranac, all legal entities and natural persons may conduct in very simple and efficient way via the website www.
Also, the usage of this system provides the significant fund savings, but also the time for the persons who are obligied to conduct this registration. The system for online registration of foreigners' stay in BiH entered into operation on June 12, 2018.
Since than all hoteliers , owners of the hostels, apartmants and other facilities who offer accommodation services to the foreigners in BiH may register at the Service for Foreigners' Affairs in order to initiate the usage of this system.
Hereby, we call them to come forward at the Field Offices of SFA where they shall get their user data for the usage of system „E stranac“, and accordingly conduct the registration of all foreigners from their facilities , in a simple way.
It is particular significant to mention that this system enables usage of so-called passport readers, which means that only by scanning of travel documents the fulfilling of all data may be conducted in to system, and this accelerates and facilitates entire process. In this way, the procedure is being accelerated significantly, and especially in the larger accommodation facilities where come a large number of guests.
System for online registration of foreigners' stay is developed within the project 'The support to the efficient migration and border management in BiH' funded by the Government of Swiss Confedeartion, and realized in cooperation with the BiH Ministry of Security, Service for Foreigners' Affairs, and Criminal Policy Research Centre from Sarajevo.
System for online registration of foreigners' stay advanced greatly the capacities of Service for Foreigners' Affairs which is in fact the competent authority for the enforcement of the BiH Law on aliens in the field of control of foreigner's registration. This system significantly increased safety aspect of the foreigners' registration in BiH, thus may be used in future for the further development of tourism sector and growth of collection of public revenues.