The Service for Foreigners' Affairs located in the first two months in 2019, at the region of Bihać and Sarajevo, and placed under surveillance in the Immigration Center of Service in Istočno Sarajevo six (6) migrants, origin from Afghanistan, and 5 of these migrants are associated with international terrorism, while the sixth migrant is associated with smuggling of migrants and organized crime. Inspectors for aliens located concerned persons based on undertaking reinforced measures and actions of profiling security-interestaing persons among migrants, and through cooperation and information exchange of Service with national and international partners, primarily through exchange of biometric data.
It is about persons G.R.Z. (34), N.S.S. (30), K.Q. (23) and F.A.A. (25), who pose threat to the public order and security to BiH and persons Z.U. (22), S.A. (24), for who the Service is undertaking in cooperation with other partners' agencies and countries of origin the procedure of identity confirmation as well and determination of all other facts necessary for their removal from territory of BiH, based on prior sentenced measures of extradition.
Capacities and readiness of Service for confronting to the safety challenges and threats of irregular migration flows will be additionally enhanced by getting international donation for biometric equipment that Service expects by the end of March, and will be used for the more efficient detection of persons who are associated with terrorism.
The Service shall counter strongly to the safety challenges and threats of irregular migration flows, in cooperation with national and international partners' agencies. As a priority in our work, we will proceed to locate and to process migrants associated with terrorism and organized crime, and thereby Service will provide significant contribution to the security of BiH and its citizens.